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Meet the Emperor of Money - Edelwize App Course

Meet the Emperor of Money - Edelwize App Course

Regular price $88.00 USD
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Exclusive on the Edelwize App:

After a quest to find a marketer who is interested in assisting the growth of her Edelwize App community, Christa asked her main guide Archangel Michael to make the connection between her and this seemingly elusive person. Her communication with this brilliant Being from the non-physical realm had provided her with the majority of answers as to how this world works, and how to permanently transform pain and suffering.

The spiritual side of life has always held a much greater interest for her than money. Even though Christa understood that money is an energy that either flows or is blocked, it felt like an inanimate object. The currency we use is merely a physical container. A lifeless, Soul-less symbol we pass between us as a way to count the value of the exchanges for our services, products, experiences, or the effects we create in the world.

Still at a loss of HOW exactly the money and promised marketer would come to her, she asked her guide: “Show me how I can make the extra money I need for advertising and show me where I will meet the person who will help me promote my program, so our community can grow.”

This is when she was introduced to the Emperor of Money. Within hours of meeting, closely listening to, and starting to apply what she learned in her own life, she knew this knowledge would allow people of ALL income levels, to find deep inner peace with money, for the rest of their lives.

The Emperor of Money is who directs the energy of money. There is an unlimited amount of money available to all who desire to have it. You might imagine that those who have a lot of money have held on to a tightly kept secret, and in reality, it’s simply a way of doing, being, thinking, and feeling, that allows them to manifest money with ease and as if by magic.

What if the Emperor of Money told you that money is unlimited? What if anyone who desires to have as much as they would like, can have it? And what if all it takes to receive an endless flow of money, is to follow his simple step-by-step instructions? Would you stop everything you’re doing and listen closely, so you can apply the knowledge you gain the very same day?

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